Hyderabad: There seems to be no end to cases of sexual assault across the country. In a shameful incident, a group of class 9 students allegedly made a video of a class 2nd girl while she was in the washroom. The incident took place on Saturday.
Angry parents have been staging a protest outside the school where the incident happened. They have been demanding that the school management should ensure the safety of the students.
The school is yet to identify the erring students. The authorities have assured that action will be taken against the culprits.
However, the principal of the school Sita Kiran said that the issue has been blown out of proportion. "One boy entered the small childrens' washroom when two girls were urinating, that is an incident. It is blown like this. Why it happened? We are introspecting and we are sensitizing the whole school. We are not sitting cosy," she said.