New Delhi: This Bollywood wedding was a private affair. Two distinguished film families of Bollywood came together as actor Bilal Amrohi, grandson of Kamal Amrohi married Saachi Kumar, granddaughter of actors Rajendra Kumar and Sunil Dutt.
Saachi's father is actor Kumar Gaurav who married Namrata Dutt, Sanjay Dutt's sister. The couple had a private ceremony with only close family and friends present to witness the union. According to media reports, the family chose to have a small ceremony due to Sanjay Dutt's absence.
Bilal Amrohi made his debut in Bollywood with 'O Teri' a film which was produced by Atul Agnihotri and co-starred Pulkit Samrat. The bride, Saachi is a fashion designer and has her own fashion label. While promoting 'O Teri' in March, Bilal had admitted to seeing Saachi and had mentioned that they were planning to get married soon.
Bilal Amrohi, who was last seen in 'O Teri', was dating Saachi Kumar for the last four years.